Fun Children’s Books About Dinosaurs

a tall stack of kids books about dinosaurs

A few weeks ago I shared a list of great books for kids that love trains. Trains weren’t the only thing my son loved to read about. We also checked out mountains of books about dinosaurs and construction vehicles! Today’s post is a list of children’s books about dinosaurs.

Having fiction books organized alphabetically by author makes it easy to find books you know you want, but if your child just wants dinosaur books if takes some work to find them!

That’s where this compilation will come in handy.

If your toddler to first grader is as obsessed with dinos as my son was (and actually still is) hopefully this list will help you on your library runs and as you add to your home book collection. It might even save you from having to read the same 5 books over and over again.

I recommend checking books out from the library before buying them if possible- every kids seems to gravitate towards different favorites.

Don’t forget to check out the non-fiction dinosaur section. Even for little kids! From a young age my son would gravitate towards non-fiction books and just pour over the pictures. When he asked us to read them to him, we’d read an abbreviated version of each page according to his comprehension level and attention span.

If you are a young earth creationist, know that most of dinosaur themed books reference old earth in some way. If that bothers you, be sure to preview the books (or edit as your read them aloud) or just have a discussion with your child of the different viewpoints people have. (Keep reading to the end of the list for some books suggestions from a young earth, Christian perspective.)

Children’s Books About Dinosaurs

4 board books about dinosaurs

Dinosaur Board Books:

That’s Not My Dinosaur

Dinosaurs A-Z (Poke a Dot)

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs

My First Dinosaur Touch and Feel (This was my son’s favorite when he was little)

Roar! Roar! I’m a Dinosaur!

Rex Wrecks It

I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur

Little Dinos Don’t Bite
Also in the series: Little Dinos Don’t Hit, Little Dinos Don’t Push, Little Dinos Don’t Yell

1-2-3 Dinosaurs Bite


a pile of dinosaur easy pictures books

Dinosaur Easy Picture Story Books:

These children’s books about dinosaurs are all very fictional stories! Even though my dinosaur loving kids have non fiction books as their favorites, they still enjoyed many of these.

Dinos in the Snow

Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp


The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar

Dinosaur Farm

Bang! Boom! Roar!

The Itchy Book

Dino Pets

Dini Dinosaur

10 Little Dinosaurs

Ten Little Dinosaurs

The Lost Dinosaur Bone (Little Critter book)

Dino-Sports Series

Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery

When Dinosaurs Came With Everything

Lizard from the Park

How do Dinosaurs series

A stack of dinosaur easy picture books

Dinosaur Easy Picture Books:

This group of children’s books about dinosaurs are still in the easy picture section at my library, but include some dino facts and aren’t exclusively stories!

I Am A Tyrannosaurus

Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones

The Field Mouse and the Dinosaur Name Sue

Dinosaur Bones

Roar: A Dinosaur Tour

Kids non fiction dinosaur books

Dinosaur Non Fiction Books:

My kids have loved reading these. Most we simply check out of the library (and have done so over and over). Some are quite easy and other a little longer. I’ll include a picture below of all the options in our library’s non-fiction section.

Digging Up Dinosaurs

My Visit to the Dinosaurs

Here We Go Digging For Dinosaur Bones

Dinosaur Lady

A Dinosaur Named Sue: The Find of the Century

Lizard Tooth

Double Bones

Long Arm

It’s Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Inside Out T-Rex

Dinosaurs at the End of the Earth

How Tall Was a T-Rex

What Has a Pointed Head and Eats Lizards?
What Has Armor and a Tail Club?

A-Z of Dinosaurs by Kieron Connolly

the non fiction book section at the library

This is a picture of the dinosaur books in the children’s non-fiction section. I think it’s safe to say, my kids have checked out all of them before!

If you believe in a literal 7 day creation, Answers in Genesis also has some kid themed dinosaur books from a Christian perspective you might want to check out:

Phew, that is quite the list of children’s books about dinosaurs! What have I missed? And I know I sound like a broken record, but check these out from your library (or at minimum look at the preview pages on Amazon) before you buy! With so many great dinosaur book options, you will want to only own your child’s very favorites!
a stack of dino books with a graphic overlay

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