Gift Ideas for the Female Fitness Lover

Gift ideas for the female fitness lover

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Surely we all have a female fitness lover in our lives. That means we need gift ideas for a female fitness lover. Maybe a mom, sister, friend, right? Or maybe even yourself. 🙂 I never really thought I’d call myself a fitness lover, especially a runner, but over the last year I’ve organized my life where exercise has become a priority. Now I actually enjoy my my running days and my strength training days. I’m even in the middle of training for a half marathon, thanks to a sister for bringing it up and being a partner in crime.

Even though it’s only October, this is also the time of year when a lot of us have gifts on our minds. Coming up with ideas of our own wants and also planning on what to buy for people on our lists. Hopefully this post will help your brainstorming gift ideas for the female fitness lover for not only Christmas but also for birthdays and any other occasion. 🙂

Gift Ideas for the Female Fitness Lover

1. Headband

I bought a ponytail headband last year and I’ve loved it. I have to wear my ponytail lower than I typically do, but it’s worth it to keep my ears warm. Make sure the runner in your life has something to protect their ears.

And when the weather is hot, one of these sweat headbands would be handy:

2. iTunes Gift Card

This will let them load up their devices with new music to keep their minds in a happy place during those intense workouts.

3. Race or Competition Entry Fee

Races and competitions aren’t free. In fact they can be crazy expensive. Pay the registration to an event on their wish list.

4. Snacks

Intense exercising can make for an intense appetite. Extra nutrient dense, and portable food is always a handy idea.

5. Wireless Earbuds

6. Gloves

7. Layering Pieces

A new pullover, jacket, or shirt.

8. Belt

9. Arm Band

It’s nice to not have to hold your phone in your hand and risk dropping it.

10. Running Lights
Keep your runner safe with LED or reflective light or gear. These would be handy for those early morning or late night runs.

11. Dumbbells

I love having a light set and something heavier.

12. Water Bottle

Stainless steel insulated water bottles are always great. Here’s one I thought looks great:

13. Cookbook!

I have to know, what’s your favorite fitness gear? Who’s the fitness love in your life?

If you are looking for more help on your gift lists, be sure to check out these posts:

Gift ideas for the female fitness lover

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