Sometimes life is about stepping out and going for it. I can get so wrapped up in worrying and thinking and what iffing things that I never actually GO and do anything. That’s not a fun way to live and it doesn’t allow God to work through me and show His power and grace in my life. It’s also a way to live a life of regrets.
I love reading blogs – I love getting to be a part of so many people’s lives, hearing a variety of perspectives, learning, being inspired, and sometimes getting the kick in the pants I need.
For a couple years now (and I’m not kidding) I’ve contemplated blogging myself. I’ve done the thinking, planning, wondering. . . You get the picture. Finally, I’ve decided to just step out there and do it.
HelloMornings is sponsoring a free ticket to The Declare Conference. What an amazing way to start off a blog – numerous sessions and keynotes to teach, instruct and encourage me. Being around people who have been blogging for all different amounts of time and getting to learn from them and build relationships. The best thing – it’s a conference with God at the center of it and hopefully He will speak to me and guide me and change me through it. Winning the ticket would actually make attending this fabulous sounding conference within my budget. Even better. 🙂
Yay!! I love this! Way to take action.
Thanks for your submission!
Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to win! I appreciate it.
Love this. Go for it! My prayer is God makes a way for you to go and if not you still get to come to Declare! I’d love to meet you and encourage you in this new adventure!
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Thank you! You are super sweet. I’m still thinking/talking/praying about it. (Wait a minute, that sounds a little familiar. Maybe I should just go for it. :-)) Being only 4 1/2 hours away makes the chance a little greater.