Menu Plan and Goals

Is it the weekend yet? I’m ready for a nap and it’s only Monday. Thankfully next weekend shouldn’t be as crazy. We had a fundraising banquet for the crisis pregnancy center Thursday and friends over for a movie Friday. Veteran’s Day parade, my husband working all afternoon, dinner with friends, and a concert featuring a comedic pianist (hysterical) filled up Saturday. We paid the price Sunday with our daughter being up (very) late 3 nights in a row. We might have had a few meltdowns. Thankfully she crashed early.

Sunday afternoon I hosted a Warm Up Your Walls House Party. Coupons, giveaways, foods, and friends makes for a pretty perfect afternoon. They provided goody bags, props, and supplies for demonstrating how to display Christmas cards. The baby missed his morning nap because of church and took a 3 1/2 hour nap during the party while Daddy and daughter went on a trip to the library.

Menu Plan, goals, and weekly recap (including Warm Up Your Walls House Party) at Fromthiskitch

The purpose of the party was to spotlight HP retail photo services at Wal-Mart. They provided coupons for us to get a canvas and a couple of mounted photos printed. We have a few more hangings we need to add, but our bare wall is looking a little better!

Menu Plan, goals, and weekly recap (including Warm Up Your Walls House Party) at Fromthiskitch

Now, on to business. Our menu.


  • Yogurt and granola
  • Pancakes
  • Smoothies



  • Dinner with friends (they are providing pizza)
  • Oven Fried Chicken (x2)
  • Salad x 3
  • Ladies’ Bible Study


  • Fruit
  • Eh, I’m feeling uninspired here this week. Fruit might be all there is. I guess carrots might always be an option as well.


  • Running. Being busy and the time change has hindered my running. I’m thinking I might have to start going to bed early and forcing myself to get up and get her done in the morning. My goal is 2-3 times this week.
  • Reading. Once again I didn’t do so great. I did start Sally Clarkson’s new e-book 10 Gifts of Wisdom (Amazon affiliate link). Hopefully this week can finish reading about the last 6 gifts of wisdom and at least a few chapters of something else.
  • Keep up with the Thanksgiving Tree. It is on our table and we’ve added a leaf most every night. I’ll be talking more about it this week.
  • Budget Meeting. Yep, that didn’t happen last week either. . . So it has to this week.
  • Open a savings account for the little guy. Yeah, this one has been on the unwritten list for a while now. Grandma will be happy if it gets done, there might just be a check from her that has been waiting to be deposited for almost 6 months now.

What does your week look like? Do you have any yummy meals or snacks planned for the week?

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday



8 thoughts on “Menu Plan and Goals

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thankfully this week is going by pretty quickly, so hopefully I can make it to the weekend. Though I have gone to bed way earlier the past two nights, so that might have helped. 🙂 Thanks! It was the first time we’ve done professional pictures and the first even decent ones with the baby in them!

  1. Julia

    I’m impressed that you also do weekly goals along with menu planning, often times it’s hard enough for us just to get to the menu planning. Thanks for stopping by today.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      It was a lot of fun! They provided some fun goodies. Any excuse for food and friends is good. 🙂 Ha ha, hopefully you found enough energy to make it through. Bed is sounding really good tonight!

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thanks! Yeah, it was pretty awesome to not have to pay for the canvas. I might have been more cheap otherwise. Thanks! I hope so too. Goals get harder to tackle when you are tired (and I hate running in the cold) Hope you get yours all done too!


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