Menu Plan and Goals

This weekend was busy but fun. A day trip to the near by city was a highlight. Our 2 1/2 year old loved the zoo – way more than she did even 3 months ago. The cooler weather may have had something to do with that. She ran around looking at animals and climbing on everything.

zoo collage

She never stops moving!

zoo2 Collage

We finished the day with a trip to Target and letting her do some more climbing and sliding at Chick-Fil-A. She wore herself out enough that the girl that no longer takes any naps fell asleep on the way home.

Saturday Shaun was gone from 11am on for work. It’s so much easier to not go grocery shopping with both kids by myself so my daughter and I went before he left. A perk to small town living is I can go to 3 grocery stores and still be done in less than an hour.


  • Granola and yogurt (me)
  • Pumpkin Pancakes from freezer (daughter)
  • Smoothie popsicles (daughter)



  • Taco Salad (Still sticking to salad Mon-Thursday. Makes my life so easy, I don’t know if I’ll ever want to quit)
  • Chicken Stir Fry (great way to use up veggies in the fridge) Might use an adaptation of this recipe
  • Braum’s Burgers when daddy is gone
  • Chili cook off with some of Shaun’s coworkers at our house


  • Muffins
  • Fruit
  • Almonds


(Everything from last week got accomplished!)

  • Vitacost Order (affiliate link)
  • Apples, apples, apples – applesauce, dehydrate, freeze
  • Make cookie plates and deliver to some people at church
  • Run 25 minutes 3 times
  • Read 4 days at least 30 minutes

What’s on your menu this week? Any goals you want to accomplish?

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday


2 thoughts on “Menu Plan and Goals

  1. Keri

    I like the idea of making cookie plates to take to church members. What a fun service project that even littles can help with! I’ve been thinking of ways we can serve more this fall and I think I’ve found one thanks to you!

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      It was a blast! She loved helping bake everything and drew cards to put with the plates. We delivered to someone who was having a birthday, an older couple, and a few people who have been putting in lots of volunteer hours at the church as we try to wrap up our remodel project. I think they enjoyed her delivering them as much as they did the goodies. 🙂 Hope you guys have a blast doing it!


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