Category Archives: Menu Pans

Easy Menu Plan

It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these! Don’t worry, I haven’t given up on menu planning but life has been busy and we’ve been keeping things pretty simple around here. I just finished my grocery shopping and planning and decided to go ahead and share it with you guys.

Summer is here. I’m seriously thinking about doing a summer of oven free and minimal stove usage meals. Yummy salads every night and smoothies for lunches? It would work for me (and save a lot of time) but I don’t know what the family would think about that. At least this week’s menu does a pretty good job of not heating up the house.

Chorizo and Sweet Potato Hash! This easy breakfast in a skillet is super flavorful and with approved chorizo is even Whole30 and Paleo approved! Need to try this right away.

Monday-Friday my husband and I have salads for lunch and the kids eat something different – we do things like sandwiches, a big pot of mac and cheese for the week, leftovers from the weekend, snacky lunch of fruits, veggies, and whatever else we come up with. Then they just have some of the salad veggies along with their lunch.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a “real” shopping trip. If I was thinking I would have snapped a picture of my fridge before and after. But let me tell you, when the only produce you have left is a couple handfuls of grapes and you are out of dish soap you know it’s time to get it done. It’s nice to be stocked up on produce once again!



  • Salads x 5
  • Leftovers, sandwiches, etc. x 5 (for the kids)
  • Taco Salad with salsa
  • Schlotzsky’s (when our Schlotzky’s opened a few months ago we were one of the first people there and got a card for a free sandwich a week for a year – so this is our lunch every other Saturday)


  • Nachos (load it up with veggies to increase the “health factor” but I love some easy meals on the weekends especially when there is lots going on)
  • Taco Salad (made enough for two meals)
  • Grill
  • Mexican Sausage Rice x 2 (new recipe)
  • Butter Chicken x 2

What are your favorite oven free (even stove free if you have them) recipes?

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday.

Easy Menu Plan and Goals

Eeek. So posting really didn’t happen last week. Shaun worked late every day because of Pledge Drive at the Christian radio station. This past weekend was busy with family time and catching up on things around the house. We’ll see how this week pans out, but with unexpected company this week (my mom!!!) there will be plenty of help with the kiddos and maybe I can even tackle a blogging project that’s been on the back burner (subscriber freebie, editorial calendar and newsletter perhaps) or maybe that’s thinking a bit too ambitious. We’ll see what happens.

This weekend we had a little daddy daughter (belated) birthday date. She was pretty excited and knew right away which restaurant she wanted to pick. I think that Chick-Fil-A would have come out on top if we had one here just because of the play area. She had to deck herself out in all of her “jewels” as she likes to call them.

Easy peasy menu plan for our family and our little girls birthday date with her daddy!

The weather was gorgeous so we did a park trip as well and let the kids burn off some energy. The little guy might be braver than his sister now (which makes me a little nervous).

Easy peasy menu plan for our family and our little girls birthday date with her daddy!

Last week it worked out well feeding the kids the same supper all week. Since Shaun is eating at work, we are taking it easy around here. This week will be the same – making up a big batch of mac and cheese for them.

Easy peasy menu plan for our family and our little girls birthday date with her daddy!


  • Homemade biscuits, eggs, and bacon
  • Leftover Pizza
  • The last of the leftover baked spaghetti from last week for the kids Monday
  • Mac and Cheese the rest of the week for them
  • I’ve been eating leftovers that Shaun brings home. . . not the healthiest but it’s easy and I think we’ve done this every pledge drive we’ve been married. I’m all about a week off of cooking.


  • Salads for me
  •  Bean Tostadas was our typical Sunday lunch. But I think they might be getting old, so after this stuff is gone, I might have to give them a rest for a while.
  • Birthday date for Shaun and the 4 year old and leftovers for us two at home
  • Cheese tostadas and fruit (and bites of my salad). . . the kids have really been enjoying these lately

Breakfasts will be some of:


Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

Easy and Healthy Menu Plan

I’m writing this Sunday night to the sound of freezing rain coming down turning to snow later tonight. We’ll see how much we end up with. But never fear, we’ll be back up into the 40s in just a couple days. Oklahoma weather is crazy, that’s all I have to say.
Easy and Healthy Menu Plan for our family of 4 - including a couple of young kiddos. Leftovers are my life saver. :-)

Might not be the most perfectly shaped heart in the world, but at least you can tell what it is and the kids liked it. 🙂 And the little guy did pretty decent eating his first cone!

After many times of putting it off, I finally tackled the grocery shopping that needed done weeks ago (I’ve only gone for produce) but that means we’ve been using up ingredients in the pantry and freezer which is always good – black bean soup, lentil soup, stir fry and lots and lots of leftovers. It’s nice to be restocked. 

February is already more than half over! It has flown by. I think the next few weeks will be uneventful and then we hit pledge drive week at the Christian radio station my husband works for. I’m thinking this year (and journey to knocking out our financial goal) might go by quickly!


  • Heart Pizza and gingerbread ice cream cones (selected by my daughter)
  • Small Groups – brought dessert and tortillas
  • Salmon, asparagus, and roasted cauliflower (you know, the exact food that comes to mind when you think of being iced in)
  • White Bean Chicken Chili x 3 (I’m hoping we get two meals of leftovers out of it anyway)
  • Pasta with a creamy pesto sauce and asparagus pieces of some sort


  • Bean Tostadas (Yes, these are one of my go to easy meals that we have at least twice a month. I make the beans in bulk and freeze them. This week it was our easy after church lunch)
  • Salads – Shaun and myself
  • Leftover black bean soup, tortillas, and pizza for the kids


  • Eggs (Surprise. These have become a breakfast staple)
  • Oatmeal
  • Homemade Yogurt
  • Green Smoothie
  • Pancakes from the freezer are always an option as well


(Book links are affiliate links to Amazon)

Did a winter storm come through your area? What’s on your menu this week?

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

Easy Menu Plan and Goals

The weather warmed up again and gave us another beautiful weekend! We spend several hours at the park and our daughter got to ride the bike she just received. Her second time out, she had the hang of it!

Easy and healthy menu plan and goals for our family of 4!

We celebrated her 4th birthday Thursday. After much agonizing and going back and forth between pavlova, cupcakes, and brownies she settled on Vanilla Bean Cupcakes for her dessert. She was pretty cute hunting for her presents and running over to her brother to give him a hug after opening up her crocs from him.

Easy and healthy menu plan and goals for our family of 4!



  • Leftover birthday lasagna
  • Bean Tostadas
  • Salads – Shaun and myself
  • Peanut Butter/Butter Sandwiches and leftover lasagna one day for the kids


  • Smoothies from freezer
  • Eggs
  • Pancakes from freezer


I got my Etsy shop stocked last week, we tackled cleaning the office Saturday, and had fun celebrating Kenna’s birthday and enjoying the weather! I think last week was pretty successful. 🙂

  • Read
  • Read more of Paddington Bear to Kenna and take her out to ride her bike the days it’s still warm
  • Continue BeFit YouTube exercise program (Started month 2 last week and it was definitely harder!)
  • Concert Series envelopes ready to mail with the flyers for next season
  • Plan a little Valentine’s party for Kenna to invite a couple girls to.
  • Get all the thank you cards written

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

Easy Menu Plans and Goals

We spent the early part of this week enjoy weather near 80! Perfect for a power walk and a couple of strolls letting the kids wander down the sidewalk. The cold has come back though and it feels like winter once again. (Especially with the nasty wind. Oklahoma winters would be a lot more pleasant without it.)

Saturday we took a little trip to Chick Fil A and the kids played for hours and we enjoyed free food using our calender cards. Win win!

Easy and healthy menu plan and goals! Our simple menu for this week and the 4 year old's birthday meal of choice. :-)

This week our daughter is turning 4! Hard to believe it. It doesn’t seem like that long ago she was a little newborn and now she’s full of personality and spunk and is always saying something memorable.

Easy and healthy menu plan and goals! Our simple menu for this week and the 4 year old's birthday meal of choice. :-)


  • Eggs and Sweet Potato Hash Browns
  • Breakfast Burritos from freezer
  • Cinnamon Rolls from freezer – birthday breakfast request
  • Green Smoothie
  • Muffins and pancakes from freezer


  • Salads for Shaun and myself
  • Peanut Butter sandwiches or something for the kids during the week. I made a batch of bread for them.
  • Baked Sweet Potatoes – birthday lunch request
  • Chick Fil A
  • Pancakes


  • Sandwiches
  • Small Groups – Super Bowl Snacks
  • Bean Tostadas
  • Ladies’ Bible Study for me – leftover pizza for Shaun and the kids
  • Beef and Bean Nachos topped with lettuce and tomatoes
  • Lasagna – Birthday Request (She wanted pasta so we went over different options and this was her pick)


  • Start another book – I finished The Help last week.
  • Do the BeFit YouTube Exercise program again
  • Get birthday food and little random things together.
  • Pick up the house
  • Start tackling the office
  • Finish adding items to my Etsy shop
  • Maybe start working on a subscriber freebie
  • To be honest, I don’t really think all of these will get done. I’ll be happy if 2,3,4 are the only ones accomplished but we’ll see. 🙂

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday