Goals for 2014

Last year I took some time to brainstorm goals. They were written down here and there but I never compiled them into one place. Mentally I sort if knew what was on the list – pay extra on the mortgage, read more, exercise more, etc but I didn’t remember the specifics or have a way to look them over and remind myself of the end goal throughout the year.

This year I am focusing my goals a little more and putting them all here so I can remember and visualize them.

They might change or adapt as the months pass and that’s okay. As I make adjustments do them throughout the year, though, I want to put thought into the changes and not just lose focus.

My goals for 2014 by Deanna Michaels @ From this Kitchen Table

Read 25 books. I’d love to do more but I’m trying to be realistic. The plan is to make this a goal I can exceed instead of fail at. I’m already having doubts as to whether I’ll finish all of the Jane Austen novels.

Run a 5K. I got to where I was enjoying running this fall. Then it got cold and it became torture. I’m hoping to start back up as the weather gets nicer and it stays light later.

Help our daughter memorize at least 6 verses.

Find an opportunity to serve each month. (Even as simple as the cookie plates we did last year or making a meal for someone)

Have an affordable (or free) date night each month (even at home).

Decrease our mortgage. Pay off 15% of what we have remaining on our mortgage.

Increase our car savings fund by $X. We aren’t in immediate need of a car but want to keep on plugging away on this goal so when it is necessary we have enough.

Try a new business idea. (As I research and get all my ducks in a row, you should hear more on this one.)


  • Develop a subscriber freebie or e-book
  • Increase e-mail subscribers, Facebook likes, and Pinterest followers by at least 2-3 times what they are currently.
  • Get on Google Plus
  • Find a way to consistently use social media

Do you do goals, resolutions, one word, something else or none of the above?

25 thoughts on “Goals for 2014

  1. Katherine A.

    Hey! I am hosting a small link-up party on Friday. The theme is “In 2014, I Hope to … ” Basically, it’s a place for bloggers to link-up their goals for the year. If you have a second, I would love for you to come over and link up this post.

    I don’t have the exact link location yet, b/c the post isn’t up yet, but the main site is


    The link will be open from Friday through the following Saturday! Hope you come over!

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Oh, how fun! Thanks for sharing. I’m going to come over and link up. (That is assuming I remember. ha ha. Lack of sleep as been sucking the brain cells lately. One of these days the 7 month old is going to have a good night again.)

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thanks, Keri! Good for you. I need to find a race and sign up to hold myself accountable. Especially since I’ve never been a running and did 2 miles for my first time ever this fall. The cold and clocks changing did me in. I was going to run in the evening when my husband got off of work but it got too cold and pitch black. 🙂 I suppose we are on the upward swing now.

  2. Katy

    I thought you’re running a 5K sounded like fun. 🙂 I’m prepping for a 10K so reading that you were training gave me some motivation to keep going!

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      I’m kind-of excited about it. 🙂 I have some work to do, considering I’ve never run more than a little over 2 miles ago and I haven’t done any cardio since the clocks changed. I figure having race will make me more motivated. How fun on the 10K! Hope it goes well. Maybe that will be on my list for next year. 🙂

  3. Shara Nelson

    Great post! I like the read 25 books idea – I already have a growing “to-read” list! My husband and I are implementing the 52 weeks savings plan and the “snowball” debt reduction plan. God bless!

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      I hope that I finish all of these plus some more. I think Austen and Wise are going to be the authors to slow me down. 🙂 But hopefully some of the others are easy reads to make up for it. I’ve been hearing about the 52 week savings plan this week – Sounds like a fun (and doable) way to save up money. Hope your snowball goes well and you guys get momentum going. It’s nice to see those bills gone for good.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      I had intentions of memorizing 12 verses with my daughter last year, but after 4 little brother was born and we never got going again. 🙁 This year I need to be more intentional about it. I know the memory and serving will be good for both of us. Today we are making dinner for a friend that just had a baby. Thanks for hosting the link up!

  4. Christina @ Juggling Real Food and Real Life

    Hi Deanna! I’m stopping in for Let’s Get Real today. I am enjoying reading about other people’s goals for this year, including yours. I am struggling right now with what I want to accomplish this year. I am very goal-oriented, but just haven’t really thought about personal or blogging goals yet. I believ in dreaming big, but my blog is already so much bigger than I dreamed it could be. I really need to learn to dream even bigger now. The 5K goal is good. I started running late summer, but as soon as it turned cold, it seemed as though I had too many obligations with the kids to keep it going. I better get that on my list! Thank you for the wonderul inspiration. Time to put pen to paper and get this done.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thanks for stopping by! I know, it’s so hard to come up with the right goals. And I worry about things having to be perfect so that always makes it harder for me to actual go with something. Oh my goodness, Christina, that is so me with the running. I started late summer as well and when it got cold and the clocks changed and it got dark early I quit! I’m hope that the thought of a 5K will motivate me to start again as soon as the weather is nice. 🙂

  5. Mel Caldicott

    Great goals – I wish you every success in what you want to achieve this year. I love the start of a new year and the opportunity to think about things we’d like to change or work towards.
    Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

  6. Judy

    Hi Deanna,

    Thank you so much for linking-up at Pin It Monday Hop. This is really a good thing to do every year. Having goals are better than nothing. It is also easy to track success and be on track with your plans for this year. May you reached your goals and plans this year. Good luck and all the best!


  7. Heather M

    You can do this. Keep your focus and keep taking baby steps. Thanks for linking up for Fabulously Frugal Thursday. We would love to see your tips and tricks for staying frugal each week.


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