Menu Plan and Goals

Such an amazing past 10 days. We drove to my parents’ home and spent time with them and my siblings. We started the trip with two sick kids but they were back to full strength for the last 3 days. I must say, it was nice to have lots of extra hands to entertain the kids and not be the one in charge of cooking and cleaning. πŸ™‚ It’s also amazing how productive brainstorming can be when ones mom is involved – Β the 5 Layer Dip Recipes are one of the results.

Menu Plan and Goals at From this Kitchen Table

My daughter was excited to experience a movie theater for her first time, sleep in a fort made of blankets on the game room floor with one of her aunts, and run around like a maniac with her dog cousin Denalli. (They had a little too much fun together – they played like two human kids. She wasn’t intimidated at all. It was so cute!)

Menu Plan and Goals at From this Kitchen Table

One of my sisters, Alison, works at a salon and gave our daughter a (needed) first hair trim. We started calling it that after the not quite 3 year old asked “if it hurt” when we were on the way to get our hair done.

After trips like this, I always wish we lived closer. The time is always too short and too far between.


  • Baked Egg RollsΒ (bought the ingredients for Christmas and ended up having plans come up)
  • Pasta Bar (at my parents’)
  • Fried Rice (at my parents’)
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Ladies’ Bible Study
  • Homemade Pizza


  • Leftovers
  • Sweet Potatoes (white for my husband)


  • Pancakes
  • Granola


  • End of year giving records for out local concert series association (didn’t happen last week)
  • Read 4 chapters of 2 different books
  • Put the Christmas decorations up
  • Clean up post vacation mess
  • Research for a project

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday


4 thoughts on “Menu Plan and Goals

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      The same to you! Oh my goodness, it was amazing. I’m secretly hoping they move at least a few hours closer in the next few years. It was, and I’m glad my sister got to do it. I think Kenna felt pretty special going to the salon and getting her hair shampoo-ed and blow dried.

  1. Katy

    Boy! You’ve been busy! I went and had a look at your egg roll recipe because I LOVE egg rolls! I can hardly wait to try to make my very own. πŸ™‚

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      It was a busy couple of weeks but lots of fun. Can’t beat time with family. Now to get caught up back at home and to start making heading way. Need time for these extra projects. πŸ™‚ The egg rolls are super yummy. My husband is always asking me to make them. Thanks for stopping by!


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