Does this statement from Mark Batterson in Primal relate to you as much as it did to me?
I wonder if we’re so afraid of doing the wrong thing that we never do the right thing.
Ouch. I worry about what I know or don’t know. I think I can’t do enough or be enough. I compare myself with those I feel are better than I am. I ponder and wonder if I should have done something differently. Feelings of inadequacy, fear, pride, caution can so easily rule my life and consume my mind.
Do you notice a common thread in those thoughts? Self. They are all full of me, my, and I. When we are self focused, we are proud. Yes, even thinking thoughts that put yourself down are prideful – they center the focus on you instead of God.
However, when we are believers and recognize and get rid of that pride, inadequacy isn’t the end of the story. When I humble myself, I see my sinfulness and God’s holiness. I know what He’s capable of and that it’s not about me.
Mark goes on to say,
Don’t let that keep you from giving what you have, being who you are, and doing what you can.
The moment you put your faith in Christ, the best you can do is no longer the best you can do. The best you can do is the best God can do.
God never calls us to do something we’re capable of. God calls us to do things that are beyond our ability so He gets all the credit.
What a reassuring thought. I’m not dependent on my knowledge, my strength, my ability. God wants to use me and work through me in spite of my weaknesses even because of my weaknesses.
My job is to trust. To follow what’s He’s asked of me with faith.
Does this mean everything I do is going to be a success? No. At least not according to my definition of success. Ideas might not go according to my agenda; my plans might even seem to fail. Business ideas might be less than successful; a blog might never grow like I’d want it to; a large non profit ministry might not come to fruition.
But do you know what? That might not have been God’s purpose. He might be teaching and growing me, increasing my trust in Him, preparing me for something I don’t yet know about. There might have been one specific person that I was supposed to minister to, not thousands.
Let’s not get caught up in what we are or are not capable of. Let’s not focus on what others around us are doing. Instead, let our focus be on Christ and the right thing He’s calling each of us to do today. May we rest confident in His ability.
Does fear sometimes keep you from doing the right thing?
Linking up to these fun parties!
What a great quote! I can relate. Sometimes fear keeps me from doing anything. But what a wonderful God we have. He is always with us and, like you said, our job is to just trust Him. Blessings to you! I’m visiting from Fellowship Fridays.
It is a good quote! Such a great reminder for me. So thankful we have such a great God! Thanks for commenting.
Oh, yes. Fear has been a yapping voice in my head off and on for years. I have gotten better at silencing him, though, through more prayer and letting go and trusting. 🙂
I love what you wrote here:
That might not have been God’s purpose. He might be teaching and growing me, increasing my trust in Him, preparing me for something I don’t yet know about.
So, so, so true!
Thanks for stopping by and your comment, Kim! Fear can have such a powerful hold. Learning to trust and not let fear take hold makes for a much better way of living.
Yes, yes and yes. One of the most dangerous places we can be is in our our own minds. Negative thoughts about ourselves, reliving failures, self-doubt, all things that hold us back from being where God wants us to be. I have a hard time with this myself, and often when I’m feeling dippy or down trodden I have to take a step back and realize I have spent WAY too much time in my min,d, focusing on me, and not enough time looking up to God for the answers. This is a great reminder, I will keep this quote handy!
Great thoughts! I need to be looking to God instead of staying in my mind. Love how you said “one of the most dangerous places we can be is in our own minds”. Thanks for sharing.
I think real boldness comes from intrinsically understanding that the Lord always calls us to do things we aren’t capable of. Our ability comes from the Holy Spirit rather than being of ourselves. Thanks for sharing the reminder and encouragement on Fridays Unfolded!
Great words – our ability comes from the Holy Spirit rather than being of ourselves. I need to remember that when I’ve faced with things that seem so much bigger than myself.
Truly inspirational and though provoking! Thanks for linking up again this week with us at the #WWDParty!
Thanks! It’s easy to say but a lot of times harder to remember in the midst of life. Thanks for hosting.
A very thoughtful quote…..I found you on Happiness is homemade linky party, and I’m so glad that I stopped by. It certainly gives us food for thought.
Thanks, Karan! The quote certainly made me stop and think. Such a great reminder.
I am so glad you shared this. You don’t know how much I needed this today! I’ve really been failing a lot lately in a couple very important areas, despite how hard I try, and this was very encouraging.
Thankful that it encouraged you! I often need to remind myself do to the right thing that God has called me to and that my desired outcome might not be God’s. I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Good points! I often worry over a decision and then worry after I’ve made it, as if God has left me out in the cold without any direction. It’s good to point out that this is a self-centered problem and a lack of trust. Thanks.
I do the same thing! Sigh. I should know better though – our God is so great. My job is simply to follow and trust.