Menu Plan and Goals

It’s been a fun weekend at home full of tackling lots of little projects. The carpets are steam cleaned, tile mopped, grass mowed, and other exciting tasks accomplished.

We had friends over Saturday night for pizza on the grill (love making it this way in the summer) and chocolate chip cookie cake.

Menu Plans and Goals @ From this Kitchen Table P1000020

Last weekend was pretty much non stop go, so this weekend was a nice change of pace. I like going places and doing things, but I truly enjoy quiet weeks and weekends at home. They recharge me and I feel much better when we are able to check off some of the to-dos on the seemingly endless list. Yes, I am an introvert. 🙂 The next few weekends we’ll be going again, so I enjoyed the quiet to the fullest.

The little guy woke up from his afternoon nap with his hair looking a little crazy for the first time ever. It made us laugh and I think he knew he looked a little goofy.

Menu Plans and Goals @ From this Kitchen Table



  • Garlic Butter Salmon grilled on a cedar plank
  • Pizza on the Grill
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Sweet Potato Chicken Curry
  • Leftovers


  • Pizza
  • Leftover Bean Tostadas
  • Salads



Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

4 thoughts on “Menu Plan and Goals

  1. Carrie Groneman

    I have not tried pizza on the grill, but I will now thanks to your fabulous idea! How are the craft shows going? Wish I could come. I love seeing what you and your family are doing, so thanks for sharing. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  2. Janet

    Yay for quiet weeks/weekends! Sometimes they are so needed. I’ve always wanted to try grilled pizza. It sounds so good. Love that picture of your little guy.


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