Menu Plan and Goals

We spent the holiday weekend with my husband’s family. There was grilling, swimming, shopping, movie watching, and visiting going on.

Menu Plan and Goals @ From this Kitchen Table

Menu Plan and Goals @ From this Kitchen Table

We got back early yesterday evening and have everything unpacked and put away. That’s the nice thing about coming back early, even though I’ll start the week exhausted at least there are not mountains of diaper bags, luggage, and strollers to put away.

An immediate trip to the grocery store is in order. The refrigerator is looking pretty empty.

The first couple days of the menu we were with family. I brought Cucumber Tomato Salad, Garbanzo Bean Corn Salad, and pavlova.

Menu Plan and Goals @ From this Kitchen Table



  • Leftovers
  • Salads (after I make a trip to the store)


  • Homemade Yogurt
  • Pancakes from freezer
  • Oatmeal


I have most of my goals from last time listed again this week.

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday

6 thoughts on “Menu Plan and Goals

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      It was a lot of fun! Lots of food and spending time with family. Kenna loved watching everyone shoot off fireworks. It does look good! I’m looking forward to trying it.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Thanks, Carrie! It was a good trip! Kenna had a blast playing with her cousin. Now we just need to get a trip in to see my family. 🙂 The pavlova was absolutely amazing. It’s on my list to do a post about.

    1. Deanna Michaels Post author

      Awww! This is our first year to go. It should be fun. 🙂 The closest CFA is 45 minutes away, but we figured it will make a fun evening. I think Kenna is especially excited. Maybe if baby decides to hang on, dressing like a cow will be excitement enough to make him/her want to come. 🙂


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